
Version 2.3.0 - 6th August 2024
  • Landing Template
  • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS v3.4.7
  • Add : Added new Web Programming (index-web-programming.html) demo
  • Add : Added new Cleaner (index-cleaner.html) demo
  • Add : Added new Service Detail (page-service-detail.html) page
  • Update : Updated Latest Feather Icons v4.29.2
  • Update : Updated Latest Parallax/Jarallax Js v2.2.1
  • Update : Updated Latest Shuffle Js v6.1.1
  • Fix : Fixed Menu issue
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS v3.4.7
  • Add : Added new eCommerce Dashboard (index-ecommerce.html) demo
  • Update : Updated Latest CK Editor v42.0.2
  • Update : Updated Latest Apexcharts v3.51.0
  • Update : Updated Latest Feather Icons v4.29.2
  • Update : Updated Latest jsvectormap plugin v1.6.0
  • Update : Updated Latest Simplebar v6.2.7
  • Update : Updated height width classes to size-* as per latest tailwindcss
Version 2.2.0 - 27th February 2024
  • Landing Template
  • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS v3.4.1
  • Update : Updated Latest Material Design Icons
  • Update : Updated height width classes to size-* as per latest tailwindcss
  • Add : Added new Life Coach (index-life-coach.html) demo
  • Add : Added new Landing Six (index-landing-six.html) demo
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS v3.4.1
  • Update : Updated Latest CK Editor Plugin
  • Update : Updated Latest Apexcharts Plugin
  • Update : Updated Latest Simplebar Plugin
  • Update : Updated Latest Material Design Icons
  • Update : Updated height width classes to size-* as per latest tailwindcss
Version 2.1.0 - 30th November 2023
  • Landing Template
  • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS v3.3.5
  • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind Form v0.5.7
  • Update : Updated Latest Material Design Icons v7.3.67
  • Update : Updated Latest Jarallax Pluging (Parallax) v2.1.4
  • Add : Added new Christmas (index-christmas.html) demo
  • Add : Added new Classic Business (index-classic-business.html) demo
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS v3.3.5
  • Update : Updated Latest CK Editor v40.1.0
  • Update : Updated Latest Apexcharts v3.44.0
  • Update : Updated Latest Simplebar v6.2.5
  • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind Form v0.5.7
  • Update : Updated Latest Material Design Icons v7.3.67
  • Update : Updated Latest Jarallax Pluging (Parallax) v2.1.4
  • Add : Added new Cryptocurrency Dashboard Template
Version 2.0.0 - 15th August 2023
  • Landing Template
  • Add : Added new Ai (index-ai.html) demo
  • Add : Added new Podcast (index-podcast.html) demo
  • Add : Added new Travels (index-travel.html) demo
  • Add : Added new Components (components.html) page
  • Update : Update and fixed some issues in breadcrumb
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Add : Added Admin Dashboard Template
Version 1.9.5 - 15th July 2023
  • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS V3.3.3
  • Update : Updated Latest Material Design Icons
  • Update : Updated Latest Unicons Icons
  • Update : Updated Latest Feather Icons
  • Update : Updated Button style and add inline css and removed external css (removed components from scss folder)
  • Update : Updated Breadcrumbs style and add inline css and removed external css (removed components from scss folder)
  • Update : Updated and removed external css for Footer
  • Fixes : Fixed Image issues in Personal home demo (Hero Section)
  • Fixes : Fixed Select 2 form and updated and added inline css for Job hemp demo and Job inner pages
  • Update : Updated Studio Home and removed external CSS for Studio Home used
  • Update : Updated Startup Home and removed external CSS for Startup Home used
  • Update : Updated Saas Home and removed external CSS for Saas Home used
  • Remove & Fixes : Removed and fixed footer css
  • Update : Updated _swiper.scss file for Corporate home demo
  • Update : Updated _testi.scss file for Review or Testimonial
Version 1.9.0 - 9th June 2023
  • Updated : Update Latest Tailwind CSS V3.3.2
  • Added : Add new Software (index-software.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Cafe (index-cafe.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Spa & Salon (index-spa.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Shop / eCommerce (index-shop.html) demo (Full Demo)
  • Updated : Updated & Creted full demo NFT Marketplace Home demo
  • Added : Added MetaMask for Connect Wallet Home demo and add a new pages
  • Added : Added New Creator Pages for NFT Marketplace
  • Added : Added New Job Pages (Job Post & Job Opening / Career) for Job Demo
  • Updated : Updated gulpfile.js file
  • Updated : Updated package.json file
  • Updated : Updated tailwind.config.js file
  • Removed & Update : Removed custom form (@tailwindcss/custom-forms) and update and added tailwind form (@tailwindcss/forms)
  • Updated & Fixed : Fixed some issues in form-checkbox and form-radio and update code for form-checkbox and form-radio
  • Removed & Update : Removed Icons folder in scss and add Material design icon from yarn package
  • Fixed : Fixed some Menu issues in small devices (Solved Navbar issues)
Version 1.8.0 - 3rd April 2023
  • Updated : Update Latest Tailwind CSS V3.3.1
  • Added : Add new Yoga (index-yoga.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Furniture (index-furniture.html) demo
  • Updated : As per tailwind, some css updated like Margin Class, Padding Class, Border Class, and Border Radius Class Click on documentation documentation for more information
  • Fixed : Fixed some responsive issues in small devices
Version 1.7.0 - 8th February 2023
  • Updated : Update Latest Choices Js v10.2.0
  • Updated : Update Latest Jarallax Js v2.1.3
  • Updated : Update Latest Datepicker Js v5.18.2
  • Updated : Update Latest All Plugins
  • Added : Add new Charity (index-charity.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Law Firm (index-law.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Video (index-video.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Forum (index-forums.html) demo
  • Added : Add new One Page (index-landing-five.html) demo
  • Fixed : Fixed Background Images cover issue in all pages
  • Fixed : Fixed Fixed some responsive in DARk & RTL mode issues
Version 1.6.0 - 6th December 2022
  • Updated : Update Latest Tailwind CSS v3.2.4
  • Added : AddRTL version (CSS based)
  • Added : Add new Payment (index-payment.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Hotel & Resort (index-hotel.html) demo
  • Updated : Update package.json file
Version 1.5.0 - 4th October 2022
  • Added : Add new Classic Application (index-classic-app.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Insurance (index-insurance.html) demo
  • Added : Add new IT Solution Two (index-it-solution-two.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Construction (index-construction.html) demo
  • Added : Add newBlog Post in Blogs inner pages like Standard Post, Slider Post, Gallery Post, Youtube Post, Vimeo Post, Audio Post, Blockquote Post, etc.
  • Added : Add new Testimonial Page
  • Updated : Update app.js file
  • Updated : Update gulp.js file
  • Removed : Remove contact.js file and add contact js in app.js file
Version 1.4.0 - 27th August 2022
  • Updated : Update Latest Tailwind CSS v3.1.8
  • Added : Add new Classic Saas (index-classic-saas.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Modern Saas (index-modern-saas.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Corporate Two (index-corporate-two.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Consulting Business (index-consulting.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Photography (index-photography.html) demo
  • Added : Add Photography inner pages like About me and Portfolio or Photography Gallery
  • Added : Add new Blog Template (index-blog.html) demo
  • Fixed : Fix some CSS issues like, buttons, breadcrumb, and some in HTML pages
  • Updated : Update Personal & Resume Template (index-portfolio.html)
  • Removed : Remove _timeline.scss file and fixed and update timeline code in Personal & Resume Template (index-portfolio.html)
Version 1.3.0 - 20th July 2022
  • Updated : Update Latest Tailwind CSS v3.1.6
  • Added : Add new NFT Marketplace (index-nft.html) demo
  • Added : Add NFT Market inner page like Explore, Collections, Wallet, Creators, Create NFT Item, NFT Detail, & Auction
  • Added : Add new SEO Agency (index-seo.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Online Course (index-course.html) demo
  • Added : Add Course inner page like Courses Listing & Course detail
  • Added : Add new Event & Conference (index-event.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Food Blog (index-food-blog.html) demo
  • Added : Add Food Blog inner page like Blog detail / Food Recipe
  • Updated : Update Gulp File
  • Updated : Update package.json
  • Removed : Remove postcss.config.js
Version 1.2.0 - 24th June 2022
  • Updated : Update Latest Tailwind CSS v3.1.4
  • Added : Add Wow Animation Plugin
  • Added : Add Animate Animation Plugin
  • Updated : Update Saas (index-saas.html) Demo in Animation Mode
  • Added : Add new Real Estate (index-real-estate.html) demo
  • Added : Add Real Estate inner page like Listing page and Property Detail Page
  • Added : Add new Co-working Space (index-coworking.html) demo
  • Added : Add new Service Provider (index-service.html) demo
  • Added : Add new User Profile Pages (user-profile.html) demo
  • Updated : Update Gulp File
  • Updated : Update CSS to SASS(SCSS)
  • Fixed : Fix some CSS issues like, buttons, breadcrumb, and some in HTML pages
  • Removed : Remove some External CSS like bg video animation, Kenburn Effect, and etc.
Version 1.1.0 - 1st June 2022
  • Added : Added Dark Version
  • Fixed : Fixed Back to top buttons and Js
  • Updated : Remove some external css
  • Fixed : Fixed some menu issues
  • Fixed : Fixed responsive issue in App Landing page
Version 1.0.0 - 17th May 2022
  • Initial Released