
Nuxt 3 Tour & Travels Agency Template

(Light & Dark + LTR & RTL Theme Available)

Template Demos

Home One
Home Two
Home Three
Home Four
Home Five

Tour Pages

List View Listing
List with Left Sidebar
List with Right Sidebar
Grid View Listing
Grid with Left Sidebar
Grid with Right Sidebar
Tour Detail One
Tour Detail Two

Inner Pages

About Us
Contact Us

Blog Pages

Blog Standard
Blog Detail

Auth Pages

Sign Up
Forgot Password

Special Pages

404! Error

Dark & Light Mode

Dark & Light Version

Travosy provides fully responsive a choice to choose Light & Dark mode managed with css based.

demo-img demo-img

RTL & LTR Mode

RTL & LTR Version

Travosy provides fully responsive a choice to choose LTR or RTL version supported in both Light and Dark mode managed with CSS based.

demo-img demo-img

Template Features

Nuxt Js
Vue Js
Tailwind CSS
Built With SASS
Fully Responsive
Browser Compatibility
Retina Ready
RTL Supported Theme
Dark Supported Theme
Feather Icons
Material Design Icon
Flaticon Icon
W3c Valid Code
Easy to customize
Working Contact Form
Free Illustrator Image
Free Images
Free Google Fonts
Well Commented Code
Clean Code
Free Updates
Developer Friendly