• Techwind - Tailwind CSS Multipurpose Landing & Admin Dashboard Template


    Techwind is a fully responsive, clean and modern high-converting Tailwind CSS Multipurpose Landing & Admin Dashboard Template. It is a beautifully handcrafted, pixel perfect HTML5 landing page template based on the latest Tailwind css v3.x.. Techwind is a Powerful Tailwind CSS Multipurpose Landing & Admin Dashboard Template. It is an excellent HTML template for startup, cloud hosting, business, corporate, minimal portfolio single product (Smartwatch) , Saas, Social media marketing, Digital marketing/agency, Email Templates, Marketing, Agency, Careers and Jobs, Helpcenter, and much more.

    We have provided fully responsive Admin Dashboard Template

    Dark & RTL version Available: We have provided a RTL version in both Dark and Light versions.

    Please feel free to get back to me in case if you are having any question or feedback.

    Setup HTML


    We are using gulp which allows having complete automation for build flow. In case if you don't know Gulp then it's easy to use it. Gulp is a toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in the development workflow, so you can stop messing around while building any project. You can read it more about it here. Please follow below steps to install and setup all prerequisites:


    Please follow below steps to install and setup all prerequisites:

    • Yarn

      Make sure to have the Yarn installed & running in your computer. If you already have installed Yarn on your computer, you can skip this step. We suggest you to use Yarn instead of NPM.

    • Nodejs

      Make sure to have the Node.js installed & running in your computer. If you already have installed Node on your computer, you can skip this step if your existing node version is greater than 18.

    • Gulp

      Make sure to have the Gulp installed & running in your computer. If you already have installed gulp on run command npm install -g gulp from your terminal.

    • Git

      Make sure to have the Git installed globally & running on your computer. If you already have installed git on your computer, you can skip this step.


    To setup the admin theme, follow below-mentioned steps:

    • Install Prerequisites

      Make sure to have all above prerequisites installed & running on your computer

    After you finished with the above steps, you can run the following commands into the terminal / command prompt from the root directory of the project to run the project locally or build for production use:

    Command Description
    yarn install This would install all the required dependencies in the node_modules folder.
    gulp Runs the project locally, starts the development server and watches for any changes in your code, including your HTML, javascript, sass, etc. The development server is accessible at http://localhost:3000.
    gulp build Generates a /dist directory with all the production files.
    Installation video

    To setup the Tailwind CSS Template, follow below-mentioned steps:

    Folder & File Structure

    ├──  Documentation   
    ├──  HTML
        ├──  Landing
        └──  Dashboard
    	├──  dist folder
    	├──  src folder
    	│   └──  assets
    	│       └──  fonts
    	│       └──  images
    	│       └──  js
    	│       └──  php
    	│       └──  scss
    	│           └──  custom
    	│                └──  pages
    	│                │   └──  _contact.scss 
    	│                │   └──  _countdown.scss
    	│                │   └──  _helper.scss
    	│                │   └──  _hero.scss
    	│                │   └──  _portfolio.scss
    	│                └──  plugins
    	│                │   └──  _swiper-slider.scss
    	│                │   └──  _testi.scss
    	│                └──  strucure
    	│                │   └──  _topnav.scss
    	│                └──  _fonts.scss
    	│                └──  _general.scss
    	│           └──  tailwind.scss
    	│   │
    	│   └──  Partials
    	│       └──  All partials Files
    	│   │   
    	│   └──  All HTML Files (165+ Files)
    	└──  gulpfile.js
    	└──  package.json
    	└──  tailwind.config.js
    	├──  dist folder
    	├──  src folder
    	│   └──  assets
    	│       └──  fonts
    	│       └──  images
    	│       └──  js
    	│       └──  scss
    	│           └──  custom
    	│                └──  pages
    	│                │   └──  _countdown.scss
    	│                │   └──  _helper.scss
    	│                │   └──  _portfolio.scss
    	│                └──  plugins
    	│                │   └──  _apexchart.scss
    	│                │   └──  _calendar.scss
    	│                │   └──  _ckeditor.scss
    	│                │   └──  _testi.scss
    	│                └──  strucure
    	│                │   └──  _topnav.scss
    	│                └──  _fonts.scss
    	│                └──  _general.scss
    	│           └──  tailwind.scss
    	│   │
    	│   └──  Partials
    	│       └──  All partials Files
    	│   │   
    	│   └──  All HTML Files (40+ Files)
    	└──  gulpfile.js
    	└──  package.json
    	└──  tailwind.config.js
    HTML Structure
    <!doctype html>
    <html class="light" lang="en">
            <meta charset="utf-8" />
            <title> Techwind - Saas & Software Landing Page Template </title>
            <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
            <meta name="description" content="Site description" />
            <meta name="keywords" content="Your tags" />
            <!-- favicon icon -->
            <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico">
            <!-- Main css -->
            <link href="css/tailwind.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            <!-- Loader Start -->
            <div id="#--------">
            <!-- Loader End -->
            <!-- Navbar Start -->
                <div class="--------">
            <!-- Navbar End -->
            <!-- Hero Start -->
            <section class="--------">
                <div class="--------">
            <!-- Hero End -->
            <!-- Footer Start -->
                <div class="--------">
            <!-- Footer End -->
            <!-- Back To Home Start -->
            <a href="#" class="--------" id="#--------">
            <!-- Back To Home End -->
            <!-- Javascript Start -->
            <script src="js/plugins.init.js"></script>
            <script src="js/app.js"></script>
            <!-- Javascript End -->

    Files are explained below:

    File Description
    CSS You use icons.css and tailwind.css.
    Dark Version In order to have Dark mode enabled, only add dark class in HTML tag like, <html class="dark" lang="en">
    RTL Version In order to have RTL mode enabled, only add rtl dir in HTML tag like, <html lang="en" dir="rtl">

    Files are explained below:

    File Description
    app.js This is a main js file. All important javascript like page loader, menu, sticky menu, menu-toggler, one page menu etc.
    plugins.init.js All init js like working contact js, tiny slider, counter, countdown, maintenance, lightbox, gallery, swiper slider, aos animation etc.

    How to change the color in Techwind?

    It's easy to change your color if your color is indigo-600 to another (red-600, red-400, orange-700, etc. as your theme primary color) please check and read the below link to the customizing colors docs, https://tailwindcss.com/docs/customizing-colors

    How to change the fonts family in Techwind?

    Please first of all open the _fonts.scss (src/assets/scss/custom/_fonts.scss) and please import your google fonts
    like @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Nunito:300,400,500,600,700&display=swap');

    And then second step is open the tailwind.config.js and please create your google fonts name in the module.exports > theme > fontFamily
    For example: 'nunito': ['"Nunito", sans-serif'], add your Google fonts like the above example.

    And then third step is You can use it directly as a class like font-nunito


    Once again thank you for your purchase. I'll be happy to answer the the questions you have related to the theme. In case if you have any suggestion or feature, request please feel free to contact me, I'll try to implement it and will release as part of future updates.

    If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to email or contact us via my page.

    Stay awesome

    - Shreethemes


    Version v2.3.0 - 6th August 2024

    • Landing Template
    • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS v3.4.7
    • Add : Added new Web Programming (index-web-programming.html) demo
    • Add : Added new Cleaner (index-cleaner.html) demo
    • Add : Added new Service Detail (page-service-detail.html) page
    • Update : Updated Latest Feather Icons v4.29.2
    • Update : Updated Latest Parallax/Jarallax Js v2.2.1
    • Update : Updated Latest Shuffle Js v6.1.1
    • Fix : Fixed Menu issue
    • Admin Template
    • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS v3.4.7
    • Add : Added new eCommerce Dashboard (index-ecommerce.html) Demo
    • Update : Updated Latest CK Editor v42.0.2
    • Update : Updated Latest Apexcharts v3.51.0
    • Update : Updated Latest Feather Icons v4.29.2
    • Update : Updated Latest jsvectormap plugin v1.6.0
    • Update : Updated Latest Simplebar v6.2.7
    • Update : Updated height width classes to size-* as per latest tailwindcss

    Version v2.2.0 - 27th February 2024

    • Landing Template
    • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS v3.4.1
    • Update : Updated height width classes to size-* as per latest tailwindcss
    • Update : Updated Latest Material Design Icons
    • Add : Added new Life Coach (index-life-coach.html) demo
    • Add : Added new Landing Six (index-landing-six.html) demo
    • Admin Template
    • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS v3.4.1
    • Update : Updated Latest CK Editor
    • Update : Updated Latest Apexcharts
    • Update : Updated Latest Simplebar
    • Update : Updated height width classes to size-* as per latest tailwindcss
    • Update : Updated Latest Material Design Icons

    Version v2.1.0 - 30th November 2023

    • Landing Template
    • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS v3.3.5
    • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind Form v0.5.7
    • Update : Updated Latest Material Design Icons v7.3.67
    • Update : Updated Latest Jarallax Pluging (Parallax) v2.1.4
    • Add : Added new Christmas (index-christmas.html) demo
    • Add : Added new Classic Business (index-classic-business.html) demo
    • Admin Template
    • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS v3.3.5
    • Update : Updated Latest CK Editor v40.1.0
    • Update : Updated Latest Apexcharts v3.44.0
    • Update : Updated Latest Simplebar v6.2.5
    • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind Form v0.5.7
    • Update : Updated Latest Material Design Icons v7.3.67
    • Update : Updated Latest Jarallax Pluging (Parallax) v2.1.4
    • Add : Added new Cryptocurrency Dashboard Template

    Version v2.0.0 - 15th August 2023

    • Landing Template
    • Add : Added new Ai (index-ai.html) demo
    • Add : Added new Podcast (index-podcast.html) demo
    • Add : Added new Travels (index-travel.html) demo
    • Add : Added new Components (components.html) page
    • Update : Update and fixed some issues in breadcrumb
    • Admin Template
    • Add : Added Admin Dashboard Template

    Version v1.9.5 - 15th July 2023

    • Update : Updated Latest Tailwind CSS V3.3.3
    • Update : Updated Latest Material Design Icons
    • Update : Updated Latest Unicons Icons
    • Update : Updated Latest Feather Icons
    • Update : Updated Button style and add inline css and removed external css (removed components from scss folder)
    • Update : Updated Breadcrumbs style and add inline css and removed external css (removed components from scss folder)
    • Update : Updated and removed external css for Footer
    • Fixes : Fixed Image issues in Personal home demo (Hero Section)
    • Fixes : Fixed Select 2 form and updated and added inline css for Job hemp demo and Job inner pages
    • Update : Updated Studio Home and removed external CSS for Studio Home used
    • Update : Updated Startup Home and removed external CSS for Startup Home used
    • Update : Updated Saas Home and removed external CSS for Saas Home used
    • Remove & Fixes : Removed and fixed footer css
    • Update : Updated _swiper.scss file for Corporate home demo
    • Update : Updated _testi.scss file for Review or Testimonial

    Version v1.9.0 - 9th June 2023

    • Updated : Update Latest Tailwind CSS V3.3.2
    • Added : Add new Software (index-software.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Cafe (index-cafe.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Spa & Salon (index-spa.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Shop / eCommerce (index-shop.html) demo (Full Demo)
    • Updated : Updated & Creted full demo NFT Marketplace Home demo
    • Added : Added MetaMask for Connect Wallet Home demo and add a new pages
    • Added : Added New Creator Pages for NFT Marketplace
    • Added : Added New Job Pages (Job Post & Job Opening / Career) for Job Demo
    • Updated : Updated gulpfile.js file
    • Updated : Updated package.json file
    • Updated : Updated tailwind.config.js file
    • Removed & Update : Removed custom form (@tailwindcss/custom-forms) and update and added tailwind form (@tailwindcss/forms)
    • Updated & Fixed : Fixed some issues in form-checkbox and form-radio and update code for form-checkbox and form-radio
    • Removed & Update : Removed Icons folder in scss and add Material design icon from yarn package
    • Fixed : Fixed some Menu issues in small devices (Solved Navbar issues)

    Version v1.8 - 3rd April 2023

    • Updated : Update Latest Tailwind CSS V3.3.1
    • Added : Add new Yoga (index-yoga.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Furniture (index-furniture.html) demo
    • Updated : As per tailwind, some css updated like Margin Class, Padding Class, Border Class, and Border Radius Class
    • Fixed : Fixed some responsive issues in small devices

    Version v1.7 - 8th February 2023

    • Updated : Update Latest Choices Js v10.2.0
    • Updated : Update Latest Jarallax Js v2.1.3
    • Updated : Update Latest Datepicker Js v5.18.2
    • Updated : Update Latest All Plugins
    • Added : Add new Charity (index-charity.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Law Firm (index-law.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Video (index-video.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Forum (index-forums.html) demo
    • Added : Add new One Page (index-landing-five.html) demo
    • Fixed : Fixed Background Images cover issue in all pages
    • Fixed : Fixed Fixed some responsive in DARk & RTL mode issues

    Version v1.6 - 6th December 2022

    • Updated : Update Latest Tailwind CSS v3.2.4
    • Added : AddRTL version (CSS based)
    • Added : Add new Payment (index-payment.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Hotel & Resort (index-hotel.html) demo
    • Updated : Update package.json file

    Version v1.5 - 4th October 2022

    • Added : Add new Classic Application (index-classic-app.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Insurance (index-insurance.html) demo
    • Added : Add new IT Solution Two (index-it-solution-two.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Construction (index-construction.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Blog Post in Blogs inner pages like Standard Post, Slider Post, Gallery Post, Youtube Post, Vimeo Post, Audio Post, Blockquote Post, etc.
    • Added : Add new Testimonial Page
    • Updated : Update app.js file
    • Updated : Update gulp.js file
    • Removed : Remove the contact.js file and add contact js in the app.js file

    Version v1.4 - 27th August 2022

    • Updated: Update Latest Tailwind CSS v3.1.8
    • Added: Add new Classic Saas (index-classic-saas.html) demo
    • Added: Add new Modern Saas (index-modern-saas.html) demo
    • Added: Add new Corporate Two (index-corporate-two.html) demo
    • Added: Add new Consulting Business (index-consulting.html) demo
    • Added: Add new Photography (index-photography.html) demo
    • Added: Add Photography inner pages like About me and Portfolio or Photography Gallery
    • Added: Add new Blog Template (index-blog.html) demo
    • Fixed: Fix some CSS issues like, buttons, breadcrumb, and some in HTML pages
    • Updated: Update Personal & Resume Template (index-portfolio.html)
    • Removed: Remove _timeline.scss file and fixed and update timeline code in Personal & Resume Template (index-portfolio.html)

    Version v1.3 - 20th July 2022

    • Updated: Update Latest Tailwind CSS v3.1.6
    • Added : Add new NFT Marketplace (index-nft.html) demo
    • Added : Add NFT Market inner page like Explore, Collections, Wallet, Creators, Create NFT Item, NFT Detail, & Auction
    • Added : Add new SEO Agency (index-seo.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Online Course (index-course.html) demo
    • Added : Add Course inner page like Courses Listing & Course detail
    • Added : Add new Event & Conference (index-event.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Food Blog (index-food-blog.html) demo
    • Added : Add Food Blog inner page like Blog detail / Food Recipe
    • Updated: Update Gulp File
    • Updated: Update package.json
    • Removed: Remove postcss.config.js

    Version v1.2 - 24th June 2022

    • Updated: Update Latest Tailwind CSS v3.1.4
    • Added : Add Wow Animation Plugin
    • Added : Add Animate Animation Plugin
    • Updated: Update Saas (index-saas.html) Demo in Animation Mode
    • Added : Add new Real Estate (index-real-estate.html) demo
    • Added : Add Real Estate inner page like Listing page and Property Detail Page
    • Added : Add new Co-working Space (index-coworking.html) demo
    • Added : Add new Service Provider (index-service.html) demo
    • Added : Add new User Profile Pages (user-profile.html) demo
    • Updated: Update Gulp File
    • Updated: Update CSS to SASS(SCSS)
    • Fixed: Fix some CSS issues like, buttons, breadcrumb, and some in HTML pages
    • Removed: Remove some External CSS like bg video animation, Kenburn Effect, and etc.
    • Updated: Update package.json File
    • Updated: Update postcss.config.js File
    • Updated: Update tailwind.config.js File

    Version v1.1 - 1st June 2022

    • Added: Added Dark Version
    • Fixed: Fixed Back to top buttons and Js
    • Update: Remove some external css
    • Fixed: Fixed some menu issues
    • Fixed: Fixed responsive issue in App Landing page

    Version v1.0 - 14th May 2022

    • Initial Released